Impacted Wisdom Teeth


If wisdom teeth are completely buried inside the jawbone, nothing needs to be done given that there isn't any symptom.

If the following occurs, you should consider to have the impacted wisdom tooth extracted:

• Wisdom tooth problems

• Frequent inflammation of gingivae covering the wisdom tooth causing recurrent Pericoronitis

• Suffered from severe Pericoronitis

• Severe caries, periodontal disease, pulpitis or periapical infections of wisdom tooth

• Impacted wisdom tooth causing root resorption of adjacent teeth

• Cyst around the wisdom tooth can damage the structure of jawbone. If there is a cyst formation, the cyst together with the impacted wisdom tooth must be extracted.

• Prior to the following treatments, such as:

• Extraction of mal-positioned wisdom tooth prior to orthodontic treatment

• Radiotherapy

• Jawbone reconstruction surgery

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